The Montclair Marathon Row Waiver Release Agreement

Assumption of Risk for Participation in the The Montclair Marathon Row:

Each participant in the Montclair Marathon Row should realize that there are substantial risks, hazards, and danger inherent in such activity.

In consideration of the benefits received from the Montclair Marathon Row, the participant assumes all risks of damages or injury, including death, that may be sustained by him/her/them while participating in an exercise activity.

Release, Covenant Not to Sue, and Waiver:

Rowing as part of this event involves an inherent risk of physical injury and the participant assumes all such risks. The participant hereby agrees that for the sole consideration of event organizer John Kempe as well as any sponsor or donors towards the event allowing the participant to take part in the Montclair Marathon Row, the participant does hereby release, covenant not to sue, and forever discharge John Kempe and all other sponsors for all claims, demands, rights, and causes of action of whatever kind including but not limited to negligence, unforeseen bodily and personal injuries, and the consequences thereof resulting from participation in any way connected with such recreational event and activity. 

The participant understands that this Release, Covenant Not to Sue, Waiver, and Assumption of Risk shall be effective from the date of registration to the event until the effective termination of the Montclair Marathon Row. 

By clicking accept to this document, the participant here by acknowledges that he/she/they has read the above carefully before accepting, and agrees to comply with all the above.